Hello everyone, the topic for today is professions
Profession refers to the job or work that someone exercises and for which they receive financial compensation.
- Builder: Person in charge of building
- Bus driver: A person that drives buses
- Dentist: A person that can fix problems you have with your teeth
- Doctor: A person you go to see when yo are ill or have some type of health problem
- Fireman/Fire fighter: A person that puts out fires
- Nurse: A person trained to help a doctor look after the sick or injured
- Policeman/Policewoman: A member of the police force. They prevent crime
- Postman: A person that delivers mail to your house
- Shopkeeper: Owner or manager of a store, especially groceries.
- Teacher: A person that passes knowledge to stidents, usually at school
Time to practice!!
To practice I will leave you the following video and link.
I hope you have learned something new today.
See you in the next blog.
Pages that I use to support the information:
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