Subject pronouns
Hello everyone, how have you been? The topic for today is the subject pronouns.
But first a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.
Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. Subject pronouns are also used if they rename the subject
Let's look
- I represents Isabela ←first person names
- You represents someone else
- He represents boy or man
- She represents girl or woman
- It represents sport, vegetable, day, month, food, place, color, animal, music, etc.
- We represents boys, girls and me
- They represents boys and girls NOT me.
- I like London
- You have eaten the chocolate
- He plays football
- She hates mushrooms
- It was cold
- We are French
- They are going home
Today's question is, what do you think is the most difficult pronoun to learn?
Remember to put your answer in the comments
To practice I will leave you a link that will take you to a guide so you can practice a little more.
I hope you have learned something new today.
See you in a next blog.
Pages that I use to support the information:
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